Experts Panel
DKV Mobility
Shaping the future together! Register
Welcome at the Rogator panel

Your opinion is important to us – that's why we have set up the DKV Experts Panel.
We would like to seek your opinions of our products, services and customer service and to improve our knowledge of your needs by means of regular surveys (e.g. online questionnaires, interviews or product tests). This allows you to contribute in actively shaping our portfolio and gives us the opportunity to align ourselves even better with your wishes and needs.

Join us – let's shape the future together!


Register today and shape the future with us!

Note: Choose your personal password here (at least 6 characters including numbers, letters and punctuation marks).

Your benefits

In addition to the opportunity to play an active role in shaping our products and services, we would also like to give you bonus points as a thank you for your commitment. You will receive bonus points for taking part in surveys. You can collect these points and either donate them to charitable organisations or redeem them as vouchers.


Charitable organisations:




The DKV Mobility Experts Panel is a group of selected people who have the opportunity of sharing their experiences with us by means of regular surveys (e.g. online questionnaires, interviews or product tests). As a participant, you can play an active part in shaping the products, services and customer service of DKV Mobility. Your opinion is important to us!

No, on the contrary. You will receive bonus points for taking part in surveys.  You can collect these bonus points and either donate them to charitable organisations or redeem them as shopping vouchers.

We guarantee that your answers are treated absolutely confidentially and used exclusively for the purposes of statistical analysis within the scope of the relevant survey topic. We are obliged to comply with the code of conduct published by ESOMAR, which is recognised internationally by over one hundred marketing and social research associations. You can find detailed information about data protection here.

If you have any technical questions, you can raise your concerns directly here with the service provider responsible for managing the Panel. As you would expect, your personal data are also treated absolutely confidentially by the service provider.

You are invited by e-mail to participate in a new survey. The e-mail contains all the details about that particular survey. You will also be able to see which surveys are available for you in your personal Panel area.
Participation in the surveys is voluntary.

As a rule, members are invited on average 4-6 times per year to take part in surveys. The length of each survey varies, which is why you are always advised in the invitation about how long it will take.

In most cases, our surveys are completed online, e.g. those about your use of and satisfaction with DKV Mobility products and services or about your ideas and wishes in the development of new products and services. Sometimes we would like to know your opinion about new advertising motifs. 
From time to time, we also carry out interviews or product tests to develop our digital products with your wishes in mind. We vary the topics and types of questions to keep the surveys interesting for you. In every case, you find out earlier than other people which topics we are working on and can contribute your opinion.

Your membership is completely voluntary and you can revoke it at any time by clicking on "Delete user account" in the logged-in area under "Your profile". Your personal data are then immediately deleted. Any points not yet exchanged are lost as a result of data deletion.

If you have any questions we have not been able to answer, please e-mail us here



If you have any questions we have not been able to answer, please e-mail us here.